In 2018, Supper Club started as a monthly gathering after a group of young professionals and university students intentionally began to pray and ask 'how can our community meet Jesus in a more profound, genuine, and powerful way?' Responding, we focused on facilitating an intentional yet simple atmosphere that initiated intimate fellowship, genuine worship, authoritative prayer and community meals. In January of 2021, (partnering with the SEND Network) this monthly fellowship began meeting weekly at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, later becoming a church in September of that year.
Today, we are a missional community, who affirm that the church is made of people who go out rather than a building people go in. Intentionally simple, we fellowship every Sunday to share testimony, affirm one another through God’s Word in the Bible, and respond to the Holy Spirit's leading. Then throughout the month, we provide missional opportunities and encourage people to show and share Jesus organically in their unique communities and indiviudal contexts. Neigbouring Downtown Edmonton (at the entrance of the central community of Blatchford), we welcome you to break bread, give thanks, and do it again.